
About Us

Troop 7012 (shortened “Troop 12”) is a Boy Scout troop based in Vallejo, California, focusing on the development of leadership skills and confidence of our youth through high adventure activities. During their time in our troop, our scouts learn will self-sufficiency, both physical and mental toughness, the ability to work effectively with a group to accomplish a common goal, as well as exposing them to a variety of skill sets that will serve them throughout their entire lives. The troop itself is well known for our specialty in high adventure outdoor activities, such as hikes, kayaking, camping, rock climbing, snow camping, backpacking, cycling, rifle and shotgun shooting, spelunking, skiing and attending our district’s annual summer camp at Camp Wolfeboro, as well going to Philmont Scout Ranch in New Mexico. We have trekked through a variety of environments on our countless outings in the past, from the jungles of Kauai Island in Hawaii, the deserts and canyons of Utah, the Colorado Rockies and the Sierra Nevada. This, as well as numerous smaller hikes here in the Bay Area. The scouts in our troop learn skills ranging from the ability to successfully execute a presentation in front of a group of people, to the ability to survive in the wilderness. All of this coupled with our active participation in community service around the area offers an experience that our scouts will remember far into adulthood. -Ryan Mulcahy Eagle Scout in Troop 12 Boys are eligible for Boy Scouts (As opposed to cubscouts) At age 11 & up, or if they have completed the 5th Grade and will be 11 soon.